Why us

Why us



Harmann Furniture is an ISo 9001.2000 certified company manufacturing knock down furniture with a strong technological background and manufacturing experience. At Harmann high quality ready to assemble wooden furniture are manufactured through style and innovation. By blending technology with style and comfort, Harmann has been instrumental in changing the outlook of conventional workplaces and living areas.

The company has on board, a group of aggressive and efficient team that monitors consistent quality. Our dynamic team, primed for action, with immense knowledge about Indian and International furniture market guarantees service, quality & support to meet our customer’s requirements.

Veneer-Bent (Rubberwood knock-down Furniture)

With growing worldwide interest in contemporary furniture, Veneer-Bent Rubberwood Knock-down Furniture are the most preferred ones, especially for its ergonomic sturdy qualities.

  • Moisture-Free - as it is Heat Bent.
  • Wobble-Free - because of its Jointless Single length piece.
  • Knock-Down feature helps in - Space Management.
  • Aesthetic curved designs for - Interchangeability.
  • Processed Rubberwood makes it remarkably - Termite & Borer-Free.

Rubberwood Veneer is beautiful Bent forming a harmonious arc, in line with the modern pursuit of beauty.

Eco-Friendly Rubberwood

Rubberwood is the most ecologically ‘friendly’ wood used in today’s furniture industry. After the economic life of the rubber tree, which is generally 26-30 years, the latex yields become extremely low and the planters then cut the rubber trees and plant new ones. So, unlike other woods that is cut down for the sole purpose of producing furniture, rubberwood is used only after it completes its latex producing cycle. The wood is therefore eco-friendly in the sense that we are now using what was going as waste.